A boutique genre publisher since 2011, specialising in all flavours of speculative!

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Yves Nerin has a problem.

A bad business decision has serious repercussions and the only way Yves can get some breathing space is to run away to the end of the world–Australia. He doesn’t like it, but if it means keeping his sister and her family safe, he has no choice. It isn’t such a penance. He has business in Australia and, as a contingency, has requested a bodyguard. He expects someone dangerous, discreet…male. Instead, who he gets is decidedly female.

Helen Collier may not be built like a brick outhouse, but she’s fast and capable. And she needs this job. After the recent death of a very close friend, she’s not after romantic entanglements. She just wants to start anew somewhere else, leaving her bad memories behind. But fate has other things in store for the imperious Frenchman and his spirited Australian bodyguard.


Publisher: Challis Tower / Length: Novel / ISBN: 978-0-9873174-9-0 / (Amazon) ASIN: B00PCDTQH8 / Cover Artwork: Challis Tower / RELEASE DATE: September 2014 (reissue)

Tags: Contemporary Romance, Female Bodyguard, Australia, French Hero



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Details :
  • Author : Challis Tower
  • Category : Contemporary
  • Date : 17 November, 2015
  • Tags : Australia Contemporary Romance Female Bodyguard French Hero