Quinten Tamlan was once the scourge of the Republic. Then he disappeared…
It’s been seven long years for Quinten Tamlan. Scarred and bitter, he has lost direction and the spark of idealism that once fired his resolve. But when he is forced to take on a new crewmember, he is once more pulled back into a past that refuses to let go.
Quinten believes he has his own problems. He believes he is alone and forgotten. He is wrong. Quite wrong.
Series: Quinten Tamlan #1
Publisher: Challis Tower / Length: Novel / ISBN: 978-0-9871445-2-2 / (Amazon) ASIN: B00IJZYWN4 / Cover Artwork: Challis Tower / UPDATED: February 2016
(ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: January 2012 / ORIGINAL TITLE: Quinten’s Story)
Tags: Space Opera, Science Fiction Adventure, Republic, Galactic Empire, SF Saga
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Details :
- Author : Challis Tower
- Category : Ebook, Science Fiction
- Date : 3 March, 2016
- Tags : Galactic Empire Republic Science Fiction Adventure SF Saga Space Opera